This is what I have for sale now. This list is subject to change almost on a daily basis and doesn't include everything I have for sale. I didn't list some plants because there aren't very many or they are too small. The perennials are mostly in 3" pots with some available in 1 gallon pots. Trees and shrubs are available in one gallon or three gallon pots. I'm a backyard grower, so I need to be notified ahead of time if you would like to stop by to purchase your native plants. Call, text, email, or message.
Prices- 3" $5 1 gallon $10 3 gallon $20 I'm trying all the time to offer more species, so speak up if you don't see something you want. If enough people ask, I might start growing it. I hope to have some goldenrods available by late summer. Spring is here and as landscapes are being cleaned up, it is a great time to see the small details and changes happening. This photo shows a cluster of black-eyed susan (R. hirta) seedlings that germinated last summer or fall in the upper right part of the picture. This was planned. Black-eyed susans don't live very long, but readily self-sow in most situations. By starting out with one plant, a self sustaining population can be established. Of course being able to identify seedlings helps. A good rule of thumb to follow is if you can't i.d. it, leave it.
December 2024